Lee County Republican Central Committee
Chairman Brett Nicklaus
Congratulations to Brett Nicklaus on becoming our new Lee County
Republican Central Committee Chairman!

A message from Brett:
My list of goals are ambitious, and I believe they can be reached because we have a wonderful slate of PC’s.  I would like to fill the open PC positions, hopefully with someone who lives in the precinct, and I hope to increase participation throughout the county with the hopes of reaching a 60-70% voter turnout for the November 8th, 2022 general election.  I will strive to include the entire county by having rotating monthly meetings in various towns and villages within the county.  A message that I will continuously promote is that the Lee County Republicans party is open to ALL people just as our US Constitution was written for ALL people.  I look forward to meeting and working with like minded people across Lee County so that we can promote our conservative values while demonstrating our compassion for our fellow man.

LCRCC congratulates Brett!
Lee County Republican Central Committee